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Board Applications

General Information

Are you looking for a new challenge? Do you want to develop yourself besides your studies and improve your CV? Apply now for a position in the 2024/2025 Board of  Asset | Economics!

Why do a board year?

A board year is an excellent opportunity to develop yourself professionally as well as personally, while having a lot of fun at the same time!

During your studies, only minimal attention is paid to practical skills. Nevertheless, these skills are very important and useful when starting your professional career. Skills like: taking the lead in meetings, negotiating, presenting for a large audience, getting things done under pressure and working closely in a team. Companies prefer students who have been active besides their studies, and a board year certainly looks great on your CV. A board year usually follows after having done some committee work and allows you to develop further the skills you have acquired as a committee member. However, some of the greatest board members have never been active before doing a board year - anything is possible, as long as you are motivated and driven!

Besides the professional insights you will retrieve during a board year, it is also a year with a lot of fun. It is a very social job with active members dropping by during the day and informal activities in the evenings. Also, the atmosphere in building E with all the other departments is vibrant and absolutely unique. 

Board positions

There are five board positions available: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary/External Affairs Officer, Treasurer and External Affairs Officer. For detailed insights into each role and to learn from the experiences of past board members, please explore the drop-down menu positioned at the top of this page

You can also plan a meeting with the current board members to ask questions about their specific roles by sending an email to or by asking one of us in person.

Application procedure

To apply, we ask you to send in a motivation letter (1 page) and your resume to In your motivation letter, please include the following:

- Small introduction of yourself;
- Explanation of why you want to do a board year;
- Reasons why you think you are suitable for a board function;
- Explanation of the function you prefer and why this function fits you.

The application deadline is May 1. After the deadline, we will plan an interview with you.

More information

If you have any questions regarding a board year or the application procedure, do not hesitate to ask us! You can send a mail to


Of course it is good to discuss your interest in a board year with people whose opinion matters to you. However, to avoid any speculations and to ensure that your announcement will be a true surprise, we advise you not to tell everybody about your application.

Summer Period

During the summer period you will be busy with your conveyance together with your predecessor. Therefore we expect you to be present 3 days per week (on average, excluding holidays) during this period, so that you can start your board year in the best possible way.
