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Secretary/External Affairs Officer

As the Secretary/External Affairs Officer of the board, you have a variety of responsibilities and possibilities. Responsibilities include the year planning, writing and sending the monthly mail of Asset | Economics, maintaining all the incoming and outgoing e-mails, writing the minutes of the weekly board meetings, Department Members Meetings (DMM) and the Board of Advice meetings (BoA), maintaining the administration of both Asset | Economics and Asset general and being representative in the weekly Secretary’s Meetings (SM). Simultaneously, you are responsible for all company contacts and you will participate in the Acquisition Meeting (AM) together with your fellow External Affairs Officer.

Together with the secretaries of all other Asset departments you meet bi-weekly in the Secretary's Meeting, which is responsible for all subscriptions, the mailings and the member database of Asset. Furthermore, you are responsible for all the outgoing mail and messages of Asset | Economics. The biggest task in this is sending direct mailings to companies and the monthly mail. This monthly mail will be sent to more than 800 members of Asset | Economics. 

Most of your time will also be spent on general board tasks. Coordinating both formal and informal committees, arranging events organized by the board, scheduling meetings and socializing with the active members. 

The thing that makes this position so beautiful is that you have a double role. Next to your tasks as secretary, you will also be the second external affairs officer of Asset | Economics. This means you are responsible for all contact with companies, other associations and other partners. You are ultimately responsible for the acquisition of formal events, maintaining contact with existing partners as well as tapping new markets and partnerships.

You will also participate in the weekly Acquisition Meeting (AM), this Faculty-Wide Organ (FWO) is responsible for organizing Asset-wide events like the Master Experience Days (MEDs). During this meeting, we also coordinate acquisitions between the different departments.

To conclude, being the Secretary/External Affairs Officer is a diverse and challenging job that develops your social and professional skills during the year. Are you interested but want to know more? Feel free to ask me in person at room E1.05 or contact me via
