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As treasurer of Asset | Economics you are responsible for all financial, fiscal and legal affairs of the association. This practically means that you will be handling all financial transactions, sending out invoices and doing the financial administration. You have three major projects.

The first one is the budget. At the beginning of the year, together with your fellow board members, you are responsible to determine the budget of the next year. After this has been approved by the Audit of Accounts and the Department Members Meeting (DMM), you need to make sure your realization comes close to your budget. Moreover, you have to make sure that all ideas of your fellow board members are financially viable. This may mean that you are known as the buzzkill of the board. However, you are also the one that decides the budget for the drinks, which will make you very popular. Next to this, you are the representative for the treasurer of all committees, so you help them to make a budget as well.

Your second project is the financial administration. You take care of the bookkeeping using Twinfield, our accounting software, and prepare the financial reports. You communicate intensively with the Audit of Accounts to check these documents and to make sure that Asset | Economics has an accurate bookkeeping and remains financially healthy.

Next to your tasks in the board of Asset | Economics, your third project is to take place in the Treasurers Meeting of Asset. Together with the other treasurers of the Asset departments you discuss and decide the budget of Asset General. In this meeting you are jointly responsible for the financial affairs of Asset. All treasurers within Asset are also responsible for the financial administration of Asset. Within the Treasurers Meeting, you will therefore choose a portfolio of tasks of your interest, to ensure the continuity of Asset General.

Your role-specific tasks as the treasurer of the board will not fill your entire board year. During the rest of the time, you will be busy with one of the other challenges you have as a board member, such as coordinating various committees. One of the committees you will coordinate is the Study Tour committee. Together with your committee members you will organize an unforgettable trip abroad. Besides that, you are the point of contact for committee treasurers. Lastly, you also get to work on projects you choose yourself throughout the year.

Being the treasurer is a responsible position. It requires a structured attitude as well as having great attention to detail. You have to be very accurate and also be able to turn down new ideas which are financially harmful. That requires strong factual knowledge and an assertive mindset.

Are you interested and do you want to know more? Contact me via or 06-13428574 for more information.
