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Vice - Chairman of Asset | Economics
Julia Willems

Julia Willems

On September 5th, I was installed as the Vice-Chairman of Asset | Economics. In this blog, I will tell you more about my experiences and give you an overview of what I do. 

I will start with a small introduction. My name is Julia Willems and I am 21 years old. I grew up in Heeswijk-Dinther, a small town near 's-Hertogenbosch. Since I always had an interest in Economics, the choice to study at Tilburg University was an easy one. Currently, I am in the fourth year of my bachelor EBE.   I started my student life at TSR Vidar but decided I wanted to do something more next to my studies. That is how I became acquainted with Asset | Economics and why I decided to do a board year

A lot of roles seemed interesting to me, but I decided to apply for the role as Vice - Chairman because I really liked the informal side of a board year. I wanted to improve my presentation skills and explore my creative side.

As the Vice-Chairman of the board, I am responsible for the promotion of Asset | Economics, designing our posts and clothes, maintaining the website and I am the primary point of contact for our members. I also have a few committees, which I  coordinate.  Furthermore, I am also responsible for representing our department in one of Asset’s faculty-wide organs: the Public Relations Meeting, for which I am part of a few task forces. For this organ, I am responsible for the design of Asset | Tilburg and I was part of the organisation of a few events Asset General-wide.

Regarding the promotion of Asset | Economics I am responsible for the lecture talks at the beginning of the year to recruit new members for our department. I am also responsible for getting new students acquainted with Asset during TOP Week. Together with all the other Vice-Chairmen from the other departments we are the public relations team of Asset and make sure you know what Asset is at the end of TOP Week. So watch out for the Red Army next TOP Week! Furthermore, I am responsible for the promotion of Asset | Economics via our social media accounts. Those beautiful posts you see on your feed, I created them.

This brings me to my next task within my role: designing. This is also one of my favourite tasks. As Vice-Chairman I am responsible for not only designing the Instagram posts, but also all the other things. This year I have designed our board hoodies, stickers, socks, active member hoodies, t-shirts, a baby onesie and a lot more…

This year there was a new task included in the Vice-Chairman portfolio. I can proudly call myself a webmaster now. As a webmaster, you are responsible for keeping the website up to date and making sure it looks attractive to members and partners. I am also the one who can put new events on the website and maintain the registrations. If an event is low in registrations, I can decide to promote it even more.

As Vice-Chairman I am the primary contact of the members. I am not only in contact with our current active members but also the new members. I will make sure the new members know what being active means and I will put them in the right committees. As the contact person of Asset |  Economics I am also the confidential contact person of our department. At the beginning of the year, I followed a training for this.

As Vice - Chairman your main task is being in contact with the members, this also includes the coordination of several committees. I am the coordinator of five amazing committees. Firstly, I coordinate the drinks committees. We organise delicious Tasty Tuesdays and fun Thirsty Thursdays. Secondly, I coordinate the Almanac committee. This year our department celebrates our third Lustrum. Every Lustrum of course needs an almanac and this year I am designing it together with my committee, Thirdly, I coordinate the committee that maintains our active member Instagram. We have a meme every Monday and a weekly quiz every Friday. Fourthly, I coordinate the committee that writes the blogs, which you are reading right now. My last committee is the most amazing committee ever: the freshmen committee. Since I am also the one who introduces the new members to our association, they start their time as active members with me as their coordinator.

As said before all Vice-chairmen are together in the Public Relations team of Asset | Tilburg. We have a weekly meeting where we discuss the promotion of Asset | Tilburg and organise the Asset Wide parties. This year I helped organise the COdE and the Pre-Carnaval Party. Both parties were a lot of fun organising and in the end, were a great success!

Overall, I am really enjoying my board year and I am quite happy with this decision. I not only get to develop myself professionally but also personally. In my opinion, a board year is great for developing yourself, but a board year at Asset is even more special as you do not only have your board members to work and hang out with but also all of the board members of our floor as you work in close contact with a lot of them and you also get to spend a lot of time with them during events and activities. Because of this, you get to make a lot of new friends and create amazing memories. 

Hopefully, this article has given you some insight into what it entails to be Vice-Chairman of the board of Asset | Economics. If you have any questions or want to know more, do not hesitate to contact me by phone (06-82628832), or by mail:
